
Rocco Dubbini

Rocco Dubbini – Ancona 1969

visual artist/designer, Roma/Ancona

white circle – 2009-2010

old cast iron radiator, variable size (photoprint)

white square – 2009-2010
old cast iron radiator, variable size (photoprint)

white triangle – 2009-2010
old cast iron radiator, variable size (photoprint)

received 21.12.14
on suggestion of Sponge ArteContemporanea (Casa Sponge)

cerchio stampa wall quadrato stampa wall triangolo stampa wall

”Scontornare” (to cut off) is a practice I use to take back a space “un-meaningful” (it’s a way to reaffirm that space). As Bourriaud says is “the way our eradication culture works, grafting and de-costextualizing”.

Wall – De-contextualizasion

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